Welcome to HUB, my first blog and the first post. I've thought about it a lot and decided that I wanted to say more to the world than I could fit in 140 characters when tweeting. This is a blog that has no particularly direction other than to provide to the world a glimpse into my experiences (human), my thoughts (understanding), and my interests (being).
So who am I? Professionally, I'm a software developer. Personally, I'm a fan of a lot....and I do mean a lot. From post to post I will talk about a wide range of topics including: 3D, gaming, bollywood, movies, books, recent events, and whatever else pops into my head.
At this point, you might be wondering, why should you read this? Well, should is a strong word so I won't say you should read this for any reason. I will say you might want to read this if you are the type of person who enjoys learning new things or is looking to simply pass the time. Whatever may have brought you here, I hope you enjoy your stay. And of course, feel free to comment. Negative comments hurt my feelings as I take much in life personal and positive comments make me feel good for the same reason. But never let that stop you from posting either because all are welcome.
Expect a new post at least once a week.
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